Detroit Lake Marina
We are nestled in the upper arm of the Breitenbush River where the marina is protected from the winds and the waves of the lake. We are a family oriented and full-service marina.
We offer:
- Daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal boat moorage.
- Electricity is provided at an additional cost.
- There is a convenient store located at the marina.
- Decks for seasonal customers when available.
- Premium gas is available at the dock and including a courtesy dock to tie up to.
- Pump out station available 24 hours a day.
- Flush toilets, showers and a large parking lot.
- Access to the lake down the stairs or walking path.
- A lift is available to take your gear down to the dock.
- We offer very competitive rates for the boating enthusiast.
- Trailer Storage is available.
Get a spot for the entire season and come on up to enjoy the fun!
Docks A, B, C and D – Seasonal Section
Docks E – Seasonal overflow, monthly and overnight moorage
Seasonal moorage: Registered length of boat X $40 = price of season
Seasonal Electrical: $125
Seasonal Trailer storage: $115
Monthly Moorage: Registered length of boat X $14 = price per month
Monthly Electrical: $40
Monthly Trailer: $45
Weekly Moorage: $150
Overnight: $35
15-foot minimum price per slip, seasonal or monthly. Call for jet ski moorage information.
There will be an automatic service charge for all debit/credit cards.
To download a contract click here. Please fill out completely and mail in with payment or call 503-854-3423 to reserve.
Please note that season dates are contingent on the level of water in Detroit Lake – the ebb and flow of which is controlled by the weather and the U.S. Corps of Engineers.
Moorage Breakdown
We currently have a waitlist for seasonal moorage, if you wish to be added email or call with your personal and boat information and we will get back to you as we go through our waitlist.
Due to the increased demand for seasonal moorage, we may no longer have designated monthly slips. Once we get closer to the start of the season and if there are slips available, we will open that up to the monthly option. If you would like to be put on the monthly wait list please feel free to give us your information.
If you are returning and wish to keep your same slip, your contract and payment must be in by March 19th, 2025. If we do not receive the contract and payment post marked by this time your spot will not be saved and given to the next on the waiting list. Seasonal docks (A, B and C) are in the deepest part of our marina, securing seasonal customers the longest moorage possible within our marina. With the recent increase of seasonal moorage, we have opened D and E dock as seasonal overflow with the goal to move boaters over as slips open on A, B and C Docks.
Important Information.
As with every year, we, as well as Forest Service require seasonal and monthly moorage customers to return proof of insurance along with a completed and signed moorage contract for 2025. We must have the contract filled out entirely and signed before your boat can be moored at the marina. This is non-negotiable. Contracts must be either scanned and emailed, PDF or hard copy. Cell phone photos taken of contracts will not be accepted.
All boats must be in full working order before entering the marina for the season. With all safety equipment function properly. All electrical, and potential leaks must be fixed prior to dropping your boat into Detroit Lake. Repairs are not permitted within Detroit Lake Marina; boats must be removed and fixed elsewhere.
Shut down.
Detroit Lake Marina cannot function past a certain water level, as we must ensure levels allow for safe boating and that our docks can securely and safely rest on shore. Our docks will begin to shallow under docks D and E first, causing the need for boats to be pulled out. If there are open slips remaining on docks A B or C at this time, customers may have first come first serve availability.
We cannot predict how long our season will be. Most years being from May 1 – Labor Day weekend. However, we do as much as we can with what information we are given from the Army Corps and by watching lake levels daily. We will keep our customers informed on what we are thinking and always give as much time as possible prior to closing.
Thank you, Detroit Lake Marina
To check out lake levels and the Army Corps predictions go to: